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 Artist's Menu  is a community project and it wouldn't be possible without everyone who helped and contributed to its growth, development and sustainability. From local people, artist, general public, participants, neighbors and some institutions* everyone gave and got something in return. Together we made possible this experiences and connections. Together we encourage collaboration and art experiments. Artist's Menu gathers everyone who thinks they can help and seeks support in the range of individual means and resources. We are at most  thankful to everyone! 

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Miladin Kandić

#creative # chessplayer


As a constant collaboration and a local host, Miladin helps with the organization and production. He provides accommodation and guidance  for guest artist and engages with them through  storytelling of Lukićevo history. He is a supporter, inspiration and a guiding person always there when in need.



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#linguist #writing #teacher



Part of first Artist Menu edition, Jadranka shared her knowledge and skills in academic writing and thought. Artist's Menu provided a place to practice her teaching skill with students. Together we learned and questioned institutional learning methodologies.




#art #newmediadepartment #collaboration #students


Like Community Center Academy of Arts is helping out  in organization management etc. Like with Community center, support comes from colleagues and fellow artist. students volunteers .

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Rikanović Family

#artprojects #IT #creativework #communitybuilding


Rikanovic Family, Mojca and Igor are amazing collaborators. Helping with travel, transport, organization and production, With their creativity and energy to make things happen and engage the community to take action they are a local anchor.  Always willing to provide a helping hand they are a local base for a rural edition.



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#musician #historian #tourguide #zine



With Žarko we shared and exchanged different ways to collaborate, sustain and distribute the work and ideas.  Artist's Menu helped organize a lecture and Žarko introduced students of the Academy with a new word of non institutionalized knowledge and doings.


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#artist #philosopher #cooking #invisible #research



In second edition Artist's Menu provided a residency, facilities and Joana gave us workshops, lecture, recipes and her insights into the cultural invisibilites. Joana helped start this initiative and still keeps on supporting the actions. Her critical approach and constant questioning is much valued recourse to keep on forward. Her insights into the working methodologies continues to shape the project.



#residency #support #production #gallery



CK13 is a community center in Novi Sad that provides support and organizational structure to everyone seeking to engage in culture and activism. Borislav Prodanović is a key person that engages in art activities and supports the Artist's Menu goals and work. In return Artist+s Menu provides support through the network of collaborators, students and insights into the art research.



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#artist #musician #streetart



In third edition Artist's Menu provided a residency, facilities, production, and Fred worked with a community did a mural to help revitalize the cultural center building. He is one of the who helped start the project. His shared experiences in community work, art philosophy and fruitful discussions up until today are a motivation to keep moving.


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*Community Center of Lukićevo

#facilities #localwork #production


Community Center operates in a  role similar to a partner. Their help comes from individuals in the center who, in their range of possibilities try to support the project. People like Tanja Lukić and Marko Dupljanović put an effort in supporting the production activities.


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