Artist's Menu is a nomadic initiative devoted to the exploration of collective work models of sharing and new artist resources. Through series of lectures, discussions, workshops, exhibitions and residencies it tries to foster an atmosphere of idea exchange and transdisciplinary collaboration and mutual aid. Artist's menu is perceived as a social experiment, a method to test hypotheses of collaborative making, skill sharing and knowledge exchange and shared resources in art in various environments. The ways how people collaborate and create is defined by our surroundings. The economical, natural, cultural and societal factors are guiding the flow of engagement and need for collaboration, association, networking and sharing. Artist's Menu wishes to understand and find out what are the approaches and resources used by artists in different environments. Artist's menu tests hypotheses of dominant collaborative making, skill sharing, knowledge exchange, shared resources in art and other environments. It seeks to escape and somewhat hack institutional and other dominating methods of working and thinking in today’s culture. It constantly evolves questioning itself through dialogue with practices and people from various backgrounds erasing the line of authorship. It calls for questioning of old, but also returning to that forgotten old. A call to re-connect, reflect, to defy what is seen and open us to new ways of looking, knowing, seeing, thinking, acting. It operates as a DIWO program with a goal to showcase that things are possible if we try to collaborate in order to learn and produce something valuable for us. The project functions with a principle of shared resources meaning everyone involved contributes with resources that they have. Like minded people gathered around similar goals and ideas and do their best in given circumstances to achieve them. It seeks to provide everyone involved with something they can use, whether it is a skill, information, experience or just a good time and intriguing discussion .What is created by engaged collaborators are experiences, situations of collective exchange, questions answered and unanswered, ephemeral actions that can spread as ripple effect long after the actions where taken and experiences created. In the words of William Isaacs, Artist's menu becomes ever growing ‘complex web that links us all together’ as the ‘living network of memory and awareness, one that is not limited to any single person but is in fact held collectively’. Artist's Menu is about collective making and process based research that breaks boundaries of authorship. Together with Joana Quirga and Fredone Fone, Sunčica P.K is an instigator of this endeavor. Currently it is implemented at the department of New media art, Academy of Art Novi Sad, Serbia and in a rural area of Vojvodina village called Lukićevo, but it is always open to new destinations far outside of institutional and known places. Anyone willing to take part in the project is more than welcomed. So If you are interested to be part of this idea, Artist's Menu will be happy to host you and work the magic to bring you to Serbia and make your stay motivational and creative.