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Artist’s Menu & CK13 present BREAD SHARING

Artist's Menu

"Fermento Research" is a project of Brazilian artist Joana Quiroga, which is realized in cooperation with students of the art department of the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad.

Bread sharing at CK13

By the technique of initiating fermentation in a test exposed to microorganisms in the air of our immediate environment, the very process of making bread here becomes an artistic conceptual-experimental method of rendering the invisible visible. Artistic practice - equated with the primordial practice of preparing, sharing and eating bread - thus becomes a way of thematizing the relation of man to his own environment through the problematization of an otherwise unreflected rule that what we feed feeds us.

On Tuesday, December 18, students of the Novi Sad Academy of Arts tried to make their own micro environment visible to themselves and others after a fifteen-day research in collaboration with artist Joan Quiroga, so that these environments (internal and external) become common and communicative.

In addition to the bread sharing, we had a discussion and a projection of student field work notes collected during the project.

Participants: Teodora Jajic, Jelena Kuzmanovic, Marija Cvetkovic, Ena Jovancic Vidakovic, Anastasia Komatina, Jose Reyes Caballero, Milena Herceg, Suncica Pasuljevic Kandic and Joana Quiroga.


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