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Artist's Menu

Artist's Menu

What is this all about???

In the age of hyper production where we are all to be adaptable and flexible to the market we are witnessing the change of skill set in any profession and artist are not excused. In transdiciplinary working environment and fast passed trends on the contemporary art market we are to prepare ourselves to adapt to what the world throw at us. Artist are exploring and working on the intersection of disciplines and the need for variety of resources is a necessity.

The ways how people collaborate and create is defined by our surroundings. The economical, natural, cultural and societal factors are guiding the flow of engagement and need for collaboration, association, networking and sharing. What are the approaches and resources used by artists in different environments?

Artist's Menu started as a result of financial cuts for art and culture in Novi Sad brought by the current political structures. With a lack of interest from institutions to nurture art of transdiciplinary collaboration and new emerging practices the idea of a self organized platform came to be. In a discussion with fellow artist and collaborators it started from a need to acquire new knowledge and to question what can be created in the situations such as this one. What can be done if we would just use what is available to us at the given time? What resources can we share in various environments?

The Offer

Food for thoughts, undetected resources, collaboration, communication, sharing and gift economy...what is out there that can be offered to today's artist to feed on and digest? Take a look at the Artist's Menu Kit for some more pedagogical working methods to inspire, question and be questioned.

How it works you ask?

Artist menu is a nomadic initiative and research program, devoted to the exploration of the notion of collective work models of sharing and new artist resources. Through series of lectures, discussions, workshops, exhibitions, residencies and all the other methods and ways thought it tries to foster an atmosphere of idea exchange and transdisciplinary collaboration. Artist menu is perceived as a social experiment, a method to test hypotheses of collaborative making, skill sharing and knowledge exchange.

​It operates as a DIWO program with a goal to showcase that things are possible if we try to cooperate and work together in order to learn and produce something valuable for us and young emerging artists. With a principle of sharing, everyone involved contributes with resources that they have. Like minded people gathered around similar goals and ideas and do their best in given circumstances to achieve them. The project goal is to provide everyone involved with something they can use, whether it is a skill, information, experience or just a good time and intriguing discussion, things gained and given vary depending on the people included.

Who runs it?

Everyone involved. Artist's Menu seeks to break the boundaries of authorship and establish collaborations of all kinds.


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