Even though it is pandemic time, and Covid has made us switch to online working environments and we entered in a 'collaborate' mode with our devices, we still managed to find way to explore remote collaboration.

In this time of lock down, we needed a bit of positive actions and happenings. Zine culture has been flourishing more then ever in this time, so we took on a journey into the world of communities of underground Grind-core scene with Žarko Gladić, historian, musician and tour guide. He opened up what collaboration is in music scene, shared his experience with his Zine UNCUT REALITY and local community actions and history on sharing and collaboration.
Non-institutional knowledge and approaches coming from different cultures and environments help shape new methods of sharing and learning together. Any academic institution needs to revisit its working methods and zine making and the whole movement around sharing knowledge, creating and distribution came as a great and needed reflection.
The lecture was organized at the Academy of Arts, Chair of New media art.